The Human Component

As we approach the quarter-century, technology and automation is becoming more salient in our daily lives. Self-checkouts at grocery stores, self check-in kiosks at airports, ordering on a tablet at McDonald’s, online banking, Last Will & Testament (“Will”) writing software and self-driving cars are just a few of the ways technology is shaping our lives. […]
Falling Prey To Medicare Scammers

Medicare is issuing new identification cards to deter rising Medicare scammers. Unfortunately, there is a ripple in the system that has prompted a new wave of scams. Protect yourself by staying informed. The new Medicare cards are replacing the current social security number with a randomly generated 11-digit code. They are being mailed to each […]
Why Do I Have to Sit in the Waiting Room?

Attorneys have a duty to do what is best for their client. Who is the client? The client is the person creating the legal documents and signing them. Not their children, not their siblings, and not their best friend. Even if they traveled to the attorney’s office together. Most of the time, the client’s family […]
Handling the Dilemma of Driving with Dementia

Few people ever expect to give up their car keys, yet sadly, many older Americans have no choice. Moderate to severe forms of dementia can make the day you give up driving inevitable. It may come as no surprise that approximately 5 million Americans currently have dementia. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia […]
Don’t Let the Golden Years Slip You By

Did you know that falls are the leading cause of non-fatal and fatal injuries for older Americans? New analysis conducted by the medical industry point to high health risks caused by simple ground level falls that can greatly impact the quality of life. In some instances, hospitalization or surgery may be required, followed by weeks […]
How Receiving an Inheritance Affects a Special Needs Individual

Do you or a loved one in Florida rely on public assistance such as Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? If so, then you need to understand how receiving an inheritance may affect your continued eligibility to receive public assistance. Likewise, if there is a chance that you may want to apply for Medicaid in […]
Estate Planning: The Sixth Love Language

Giant teddy bears, sweets in heart shaped boxes, hallmark cards, and blooming bouquets are all synonymous with Valentine’s Day. But what is Valentine’s Day truly about? The magic four letter word is Love. Everyone expresses and receives love in different ways. According to the 5 Love Languages by famous author Gary Chapman, the five basic […]
New Year, Means New Laws in Florida

New year, new laws. In addition to changes in federal laws, several new laws have taken effect in Florida at the start of 2018. Changes in the Florida Minimum wage, State of Florida Retirement plans, property taxes, and public-records exemptions can all affect your wallet and how you conduct your business. Florida Minimum Wage Florida’s […]
Tax Overhaul, Includes Huge Estate Planning Benefits

The tax bill, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed by the House and Senate on December 20, 2017, is arguably the biggest tax overhaul since the Reagan administration. Along with the passage of the bill come some major changes to the estate and gift tax. As the bill becomes law, here’s what […]
A Little “Bit” of Planning, Goes a Long Way

As the stock market continues to soar, the thrill of the Bitcoin is in full swing. Yet few people can explain what they are and how they work. A Bitcoin is a form of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are lines of computer code that hold monetary value. Cryptocurrency is also referred to as digital currency. It is […]