Amusement Park Perils: The Thrill That Can Cost a Life

May 24, 2024

Step right up, esteemed readers, thrill-seekers, and roller coaster aficionados! The balmy days of summer are here and beckon enthusiasts all across America to visit the flashy theme parks and water parks that abound. But there is an intersecting realm of joy and jurisprudence within the world of theme parks. Beneath these shimmering utopias, lies a nuanced landscape fraught with legal complexities. Meaning…even theme parks have legal issues.

From inheritance battles to property disputes to premises liability cases, it is clear that anything can go wrong in these summery wonderlands.  Let us review the annals of litigation that have left an indelible mark on the theme park industry.

1). Graceland, the Home of Elvis Presley in Memphis, TN.

Elvis Presley, dubbed the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll, bought Graceland Mansion in 1957 and lived there until he died two decades later. In the early 1980s, the 14-acre compound was opened to the public as a music history theme park. Today it has expanded to 120 acres and attracts roughly 600,000 visitors a year, according to the venue.

Most recently, this graceful park has become the center of some nasty litigation. Elvis’ granddaughter, actress Riley Keough, is opposing the proposed sale of Graceland. Keough inherited the estate from her mother, Lisa Marie Presley, who passed away last year. Graceland is embroiled in a dispute with a company claiming it was used as collateral for a loan taken out by Lisa Marie, which Keough alleges is based on fraudulent paperwork with a forged signature. The actress has filed legal action to halt an upcoming auction. Naussany Investments, the company behind the loan claim, has yet to comment. Elvis Presley Enterprises, managing Graceland, asserts the loan never occurred and Lisa Marie’s signature was never given. A court hearing is scheduled for the end of May.

2). Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, New Jersey.

The tragic incident at Six Flags Great Adventure in May 1984 stands as one of the darkest moments in the history of amusement parks. It was a typical spring evening when a fire erupted in the Haunted Castle attraction, a walk-through dark ride that simulated a haunted house experience. The blaze quickly engulfed the structure. Despite the efforts of park staff and emergency responders, the fire spread rapidly, trapping a group of teenagers inside the attraction. In the chaos and confusion, eight young lives were tragically lost.

The aftermath of the fire sparked a wave of scrutiny and investigation, as authorities sought to determine the cause of the blaze and assess any lapses in safety protocols. It was revealed that the Haunted Castle lacked proper fire suppression systems and adequate emergency exits, contributing to the severity of the tragedy. In the wake of the incident, Six Flags Great Adventure implemented sweeping changes to enhance safety measures throughout the park. Additionally, the tragedy prompted widespread reform across the amusement park industry, leading to stricter regulations and standards aimed at preventing similar disasters in the future.

3). Walt Disney World’s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa in Orlando, Florida.

Florida boasts the most concentrated collection of amusement parks worldwide. With an abundance of thrills packed into a relatively compact geographic expanse, accidents are bound to happen sometimes. But rarely as tragic as what happened in June 2016. The Graves family, hailing from Nebraska, was vacationing at the renowned Disney Grand Floridian Resort and Spa in Orlando, Florida. Lane Graves, a two-year-old boy, was playing near the shoreline of the Seven Seas Lagoon, a picturesque body of water adjacent to the Resort. Suddenly, an alligator emerged from the lagoon and dragged the young child into the water, despite the desperate attempts of his parents to save him.

Tragically, Lane Graves was taken by the alligator, and his body was recovered by authorities the following day. The devastating loss reverberated not only through the Graves family but also throughout the Disney community and beyond, prompting an outpouring of sympathy and calls for greater safety measures. The incident prompted an extensive investigation into Disney’s safety protocols and the presence of alligators on its properties. While alligators were known to inhabit the waterways of Florida, the attack came as a shock to many visitors who were unaware of the potential dangers. In response to the tragedy, Disney World implemented several changes to enhance guest safety, including the installation of additional signage warning of wildlife and the erection of barriers along waterfront areas. The resort also intensified its efforts to monitor and manage the alligator population on its properties.

The overarching lesson here? Vigilance is paramount when embarking on these thrill-filled adventures with your family this summer. Exercise due caution and be aware of potential risks. Read up on the location of the park and potential hazards of that area, stay vigilant of one’s surroundings, and do a simply google search such as “potential dangers when visiting Disneyworld [insert name of choice here.]
Do not forget the legal documents that are crucial to establish prior to embarking on your vacation.  These documents include the Power of Attorney, Living Will, and Health Care Surrogate.  Our law firm conducts consultations over the phone or Zoom and facilitates concierge signing right from your home.  We speak English, Spanish, and Russian.  Contact OC Estate and Elder Law at (954) 251-0332 or to receive a free consultation today. Safe travels and may your adventures be filled with thrills, laughter, and cherished memories for years to come.