Change in Seasons Mean Changes in Your Estate Plan

Every season comes with new adventures and new chapters. Back to school, back to work, seasonal and holiday travel all come with risks. Here is what you need to do each season to ensure your family is protected both physically and financially. Fall Adult children often go off to college, study abroad, or travel around […]
Let’s Get Down to Brass Tax

Florida offers some very attractive properties for that beach-front living lifestyle. But any foreigners looking to buy real estate, open a business, work or live in the United States need to understand that the country’s tax laws have everything to do with that person’s residency status. In general, resident aliens are taxed in the same […]
Adult Family Care Homes for Aging Individuals

Consider this common scenario that adult children find themselves in: an aging parent faces increasing health issues that force the family to realize their beloved mother or father can no longer live by themselves. Families then face a sudden problem: they cannot move the person in with them, but institutional care is not necessary. Traditional […]
Dealing with Loss following the Deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain
The unexpected deaths of gifted chef and storyteller Anthony Bourdain, 61, and iconic fashion designer Kate Spade, 55, are prompting discussions about mental health. They are also a reminder that a sudden death can affect families in unexpected ways. Accidents, heart disease, stroke and suicide are among the most common leading causes of death nationwide, according to data […]
Moving into a Retirement Community? Not so Fast

Older Americans looking to spend their golden years in a picturesque retirement community should take a moment before handing over their life savings. Continuing care retirement communities give retirees the chance to live in one location, going from independent living to assisted living and eventually skilled nursing care. The facilities are often convenient and luxurious, […]
Estate Planning Lessons Found in the World Cup

The World Cup is off to an excellent start. As you watch this exhilarating world-wide contest this summer, bear in mind that professional soccer teams can teach us about more than just soccer. Yes, lessons gleaned on the field can be applied to estate planning and, when executed with skill, can change people’s lives much […]
Summer Vacation – What You Need Besides Your Suitcase

With so many amazing places to visit in the world that are more accessible than ever, travel abroad can be wonderful. It can also be risky. Even the most basic issues can be difficult when you do not speak the native language and are unfamiliar with local laws. There are simple steps you can take […]
May July the Fourth Be With You

For many Americans, the Fourth of July is not the same without an exciting display of fireworks. Fireworks have been a part of Independence Day since the very first celebration in 1777. Every year the tradition lives on with a fantastic show of patriotism across the country. Safety First While fireworks are a lot of […]
Setting Long-Term Goals, During the World Cup

Congratulations on your real estate investment! But before you sit back and enjoy the world cup with a bowl of popcorn; consider how types of ownership structures can play a key role in meeting your financial goals. In Florida, some common real estate investments structures include; Partnerships, Trust (Grantor Trust and Land Trusts), S Corporations […]
The Best Father’s Day Gift, a Father Can Give

Father’s Day is a time to celebrate our appreciation for everything that our old man does for us, day in and day out, over the course of a lifetime. That special day may be filled with a ballgame, barbeque in the backyard or a trip to the beach. While a ballgame sounds great, any real […]