Surviving the Sandwich Generation

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, you may be thinking of sandwich in terms of creative uses for turkey leftovers. Did you know that there is a whole “Sandwich Generation” out there that you may be a part of and has absolutely nothing to do with meat or bread? What exactly is this new breadless […]
The Unexpected Widow

Everything changes after the loss of a spouse or partner. Even if your spouse was ill for some time, their death still comes as a shock. There are few things more challenging than dealing with the aftermath following the death of a spouse. Often the early days are filled with grief and loss, and the […]
Avoid an “Estate” of Unrest:” Conflicts Over Funeral Arrangements

Conflicts over what to do with the remains of a loved one upon death is an extremely sensitive situation. Family members may disagree over details of the decedent’s funeral, where it should take place, or which religion should govern the ceremony. Likewise, disagreements often arise over whether the decedent should be cremated or buried. If […]
Blow the Whistle! 5 Elder Law Facts Exposed

Elder law is an intriguing highly specialized area of law that affects seniors, baby boomers, millennials, and everyone in between. It refers to a legal framework for dealing with issues related to growing up and growing older. The shift is away from one’s death and onto the Golden Years. The priority is preservation of your […]
5 Inheritance Myths Sure to Spook

Myth # 1 – I’ve got a Will, I’m good with estate planning. Yes and no. A Last Will and Testament (“Will”) is an important estate-planning document but can leave your family with unforeseen inheritance issues. Wills are used to designate who should receive your assets upon your death. The people or charities you designate […]
Never Say Never…E-Notarization in Florida has Arrived

A notary used to be a person with a stamp physically present in front of the signors of a document. They were only able to notarize in their home state. Well, move over old-school notaries, (although you are still perfectly fine to use) because now anyone can sign and notarize documents, buy or sell real […]
How to Prepare AFTER a Hurricane

South Florida is breathing a sigh of relief as Hurricane Dorian just scraped our coastline. Most of the headaches that come with a hurricane including property damage, power outages, long lines at gas stations, limited medical supplies, etc. were avoided. Yet now comes the hard work. The only way to minimize damage from future hurricanes […]
It Takes a Village

France has begun construction on an awe-inspiring $28 million dollar “Alzheimer’s Village” as part of an experimental treatment for sufferers of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) or dementia. The “village” is designed to promote healthy aging by allowing its residents to continue their normal lifestyle and not succumb to some of the crippling effects of their illness. […]
Back to School…For Disney Employees!

The first day of school conjures up images of bookbags, homework, and now Mickey Mouse. “Disney Aspire,” a program started by the Walt Disney Company in August 2018, focuses on getting their employees off the rides and back into the classroom. The Walt Disney Company has offered to pick up the tab and pay for […]
What’s Trending on National Senior Citizens Day?

Do you have an elderly person in your life that you love and appreciate? August 21st is National Senior Citizens Day; first declared a holiday by Ronald Reagan in 1988. The day was created to show the older generations our appreciation and recognition of their accomplishments. It goes without saying that senior citizens have contributed […]